Friday 5 February 2016

FILM REVIEW: Theory of Everything: A One of A Kind Film


Theory of Everything is by far one of the most famous biographical movie for it talks about the life of today's famous theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking.  The movie was based on the book by Hawking's first wife Jane Wilde, Travelling to Infinity: My Life with Stephen.

At the beginning of the movie, it shows you the journey of Stephen being an ordinary student of physics, and on how he tries hard to have a thesis topic.  His friends was able to have their different thesis topics, but Stephen wasn't able to decide yet.

One day, there was a party held in Stephen's area, and that is where he met Jane through a mutual friend.  They shared talks about their life, and even their ambitions in life.  This is where Stephen shares something about the stars, and everything that we can see in the skies.

His professors and friends are already concerned over Stephen's lack of thesis topic, and time might not be enough for him to defend it.  During a lesson with his professor about the black hole, Stephen concluded to himself that black hole might be the beginning of all.  After it, he was able to formulate, and study about black hole as the beginning of time, and make it as his thesis topic.

On his way to school, Stephen was able to slipped and hit his head on the ground.  He was brought to the hospital, and was able to diagnosed with a motor neuron disease, or we know it now as ALS.  Everyday he is already struggling for his body is slowly showing signs, and thinking about the 2 year life expectancy provided by his doctor.  He also limits himself in seeing Jane, who was that time so worried about Stephen.

In the verge of giving up about life, Jane really tries to confront Stephen, telling him that she love him, and that she would be with him until the last day, that they will face and fight Stephen's illness together.

The Theory of Everything is a good film, and this is not basically for science nerd.  Although the first part of the film is boring for those people who don't really understand science, but the movie has a lot of lessons, especially from Stephen.

Eddie Redmayne brings you back to the young Stephen Hawking.  A reason why he grabbed the Academy Awards among other contenders.  Felicity Jones is also a good point in helping Redmayne do a superb performance.

Theory of everything is not just for the science nerd people, this film is for everyone. Too much lesson from Stephen Hawking. Eddie Redmayne's performance was superb. Again, it is not Eddie that you can see in the film, it really was Stephen. Such a great performance for this film. Such a great film. Sadly, Jane wasn't able to fulfill her promise sticking and fighting with Stephen as long as they live.

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