Sometimes, I cannot share with you movie reviews, for sometimes, I'll become busy too.  So, in this page, you can view here some light news about me or about the everyday happenings that I saw everywhere I am.  Well, kidding aside, if you want to relax your mind, and read some good vibes, this will be the page for you :)

Sometimes, my posts might be short only, I'm some kind of lazy ass sometimes, well, most of the time.  I prefer taking photos and videos and editing it rather than writing long posts, but anyway, I write when I'm bored.

If you'd like to see my works, you may visit my portfolio. Just click the picture :)


May 12, 2016


It's been a while since I updated this blog for movies reviews, I hope you will all forgive me.  This blog is intended for my movie reviews, so sometimes, when I haven't watched a movie, I cannot write here.  But rest assured that whenever I will watch a movie, I will immediately share what I think about it!

I'm a little busy with my other blog, which you can find here.  I am making food reviews, makeup, and even song covers.  I am also slowly learning the Korean language because I'm planning to go to Korea in the future.  

See you! 감사함니다!


October 16, 2016

Hi everyone! 

I recently redesigned my youtube channel where I usually post song covers, especially Korean songs.  If you like to visit my channel, you can visit here.  I hope you can support me in making song covers, and I am accepting song requests.  I will also post in my youtube channel about my travels and food reviews.  I am writing my travels and food reviews in my other blog, just click the picture below :)

See you! 고마워요!

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