Tuesday 5 January 2016


(c) wikipedia

RATING:   ★★★★★

Steve Jobs is a biographical drama film about the Apple's co-founder Steve Jobs.  It is portrayed by Michael Fassbender alongside with Academy Award winner Kate Winslet.

The story started with a clip showing Steve Jobs when he was still young and an audio which is like a broadcast show.  Showing clips is not only in the first part, there are many parts of the film showing real clips from different TV shows related to Steve Jobs' life.

The film shows Jobs' life before being a successful CEO in Apple.  It also shows how he failed as a father.

The first part of the film is all about the Macintosh launching.  It can be seen in the film how people became very excited about the release of Macintosh, the challenge that the team needs to overcome, and how they manage to proceed with the launching despite the short span of time to fix the issue.

The second part is all about Jobs' second company after he was fired in the Apple.  He created NeXT and was still able to make people very excited for the new product he invented.  In this part, it again shows some real clips from the news.

The third part shows the launching of iMac G3 and the different revelations about the ups and downs of Jobs' life.  

The overall screenplay focuses more on how Jobs as a father.  This biographical drama film focuses more on Jobs' life behind every camera and news the world see.  Though the main concept of the film is all about the challenges that Jobs' facing, and how he manage to overcome it, but the overall story revolves on how Jobs became a successful father to his child.

Another contender for acting in Academy Award. Michael Fassbender bring Steve Jobs to life, he nailed the role.  Audiences might think that it was Steve, but no, it was just Michael portraying Steve by letting you see and think that he is Steve.

 Much lesson can be learned from this movie. The ending is heart-wrenching. Success is nothing without family.

One iconic film from the life story of one iconic person.  Steve Jobs is a must watch movie for all the movie goers out there.

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