Saturday 9 January 2016

FILM REVIEW: Anguish (2015)

theatrical poster

Anguish is a 2015 movie that will waste mostly 80 minutes of your time.  It doesn't give you any justice in watching this film.  This film is poorly made.  The screenplay might be good, but it doesn't really give justice to what it's suppose to imply.

Let us define what is the meaning of the word Anguish first.  According to the dictionary, the word anguish means severe mental or physical pain or suffering.  So basically, the name itself explains already the movie.

The movie has a lot of establishing shots which aren't really necessary anymore.  There are also some shots that were put maybe on purpose just to achieve the minimum time for the full length movie.  There's one guy where the camera focuses on him at some point, I waited for what the boy's purpose until the end of the movie, but I failed to find out.  Until the end of the film, the guy was just being focus or sometimes passed by in the camera.

At first it talks about D.I.D, then it talks about demonic possession, then it became like Insidious. You don't even know what it's really all about.  Maybe because it talks about mental illness, but it doesn't really give justice.  It can really make you anguish watching this movie. It's based on a true story, but it doesn't make it any good even with that based-on-a-true-story label.  The horror label wasn't able to be justified.

The last part is the only good thing I find in the movie.  It's where love of the family is shown.

This movie could have been improved.  The story line can be improved.  There are a lot to improve.  This movie is like an experimental movie.

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